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Class: ExposureEvent

Description: A (possibly time bounded) incidence of a feature of the environment of an organism that influences one or more phenotypic features of that organism, potentially mediated by genes

Aliases: exposure, experimental condition

classDiagram class ExposureEvent OntologyClass <|-- ExposureEvent ExposureEvent <|-- GenomicBackgroundExposure ExposureEvent <|-- PathologicalProcessExposure ExposureEvent <|-- PathologicalAnatomicalExposure ExposureEvent <|-- DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeatureExposure ExposureEvent <|-- ChemicalExposure ExposureEvent <|-- DrugExposure ExposureEvent <|-- Treatment ExposureEvent <|-- BioticExposure ExposureEvent <|-- GeographicExposure ExposureEvent <|-- EnvironmentalExposure ExposureEvent <|-- BehavioralExposure ExposureEvent <|-- SocioeconomicExposure ExposureEvent : id ExposureEvent : timepoint



Name Cardinality and Range Inheritance Examples
a point in time
A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI

Mixin Usage

mixed into description
GenomicBackgroundExposure A genomic background exposure is where an individual's specific genomic background of genes, sequence variants or other pre-existing genomic conditions constitute a kind of 'exposure' to the organism, leading to or influencing an outcome.
PathologicalProcessExposure A pathological process, when viewed as an exposure, representing a precondition, leading to or influencing an outcome, e.g. autoimmunity leading to disease.
PathologicalAnatomicalExposure An abnormal anatomical structure, when viewed as an exposure, representing an precondition, leading to or influencing an outcome, e.g. thrombosis leading to an ischemic disease outcome.
DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeatureExposure A disease or phenotypic feature state, when viewed as an exposure, represents an precondition, leading to or influencing an outcome, e.g. HIV predisposing an individual to infections; a relative deficiency of skin pigmentation predisposing an individual to skin cancer.
ChemicalExposure A chemical exposure is an intake of a particular chemical entity.
DrugExposure A drug exposure is an intake of a particular drug.
Treatment A treatment is targeted at a disease or phenotype and may involve multiple drug 'exposures', medical devices and/or procedures
BioticExposure An external biotic exposure is an intake of (sometimes pathological) biological organisms (including viruses).
GeographicExposure A geographic exposure is a factor relating to geographic proximity to some impactful entity.
EnvironmentalExposure A environmental exposure is a factor relating to abiotic processes in the environment including sunlight (UV-B), atmospheric (heat, cold, general pollution) and water-born contaminants.
BehavioralExposure A behavioral exposure is a factor relating to behavior impacting an individual.
SocioeconomicExposure A socioeconomic exposure is a factor relating to social and financial status of an affected individual (e.g. poverty).


used by used in type used
EntityToExposureEventAssociationMixin object range ExposureEvent
DiseaseToExposureEventAssociation object range ExposureEvent
ExposureEventToPhenotypicFeatureAssociation subject range ExposureEvent

LinkML Source

name: exposure event
description: A (possibly time bounded) incidence of a feature of the environment of
  an organism that influences one or more phenotypic features of that organism, potentially
  mediated by genes
- model_organism_database
- exposure
- experimental condition
- XCO:0000000
is_a: ontology class
mixin: true
- timepoint