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Slot: primary_knowledge_source

Description: The most upstream source of the knowledge expressed in an Association that an implementer can identify. Performing a rigorous analysis of upstream data providers is expected; every effort is made to catalog the most upstream source of data in this property. Only one data source should be declared primary in any association. "aggregator knowledge source" can be used to capture non-primary sources.

Notes: For example: a single ChemicalToGene Edge originally curated by, is aggregated by ChEMBL, then incorporated into the MolePro KP, then sent via TRAPI message to the ARAGORN ARA, and finally sent to the NCATS ARS. The retrieval path for this Edge is as follows: ARS--retrieved_from--> ARAGORN --retrieved_from--> MolePro --retrieved_from--> ChEMBL --retrieved_from--> The "primary knowledge source" for this edge is "infores:clinical-trials-gov". "infores:chembl" and "infores:molecular_data_provider" are listed in the "aggregator knowledge source" property.

Domain: Association
Range: String


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Association A typed association between two entities, supported by evidence no

LinkML Source

name: primary knowledge source
description: The most upstream source of the knowledge expressed in an Association
  that an implementer can identify.  Performing a rigorous analysis of upstream data
  providers is expected; every effort is made to catalog the most upstream source
  of data in this property.  Only one data source should be declared primary in any
  association.  "aggregator knowledge source" can be used to capture non-primary sources.
- 'For example: a single ChemicalToGene Edge originally curated by,
  is aggregated by ChEMBL, then incorporated into the MolePro KP, then sent via TRAPI
  message to the ARAGORN ARA, and finally sent to the NCATS ARS. The retrieval path
  for this Edge is as follows: ARS--retrieved_from-->  ARAGORN  --retrieved_from-->   MolePro  --retrieved_from-->
  ChEMBL --retrieved_from--> The "primary knowledge source" for
  this edge is "infores:clinical-trials-gov".  "infores:chembl" and "infores:molecular_data_provider"
  are listed in the "aggregator knowledge source" property.'
is_a: knowledge source
domain: association
multivalued: false
alias: primary_knowledge_source
- association
range: string