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Slot: phenotypic_state

Description: in experiments (e.g. gene expression) assaying diseased or unhealthy tissue, the phenotypic state can be put here, e.g. MONDO ID. For healthy tissues, use XXX.

Domain: Association
Range: DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
GeneExpressionMixin Observed gene expression intensity, context (site, stage) and associated phenotypic status within which the expression occurs. no

LinkML Source

name: phenotypic state
description: in experiments (e.g. gene expression) assaying diseased or unhealthy
  tissue, the phenotypic state can be put here, e.g. MONDO ID. For healthy tissues,
  use XXX.
is_a: association slot
domain: association
alias: phenotypic_state
- gene expression mixin
range: disease or phenotypic feature