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Slot: object_label_closure (multivalued)

Description: Used to hold the object label closure of an association. This is a denormalized field used primarily in the SQL serialization of a knowledge graph via KGX.

Domain: Association
Range: String


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Association A typed association between two entities, supported by evidence no


property value
denormalized True

Example values

Slot Name Value
object_label_closure breast cancer
object_label_closure cancer

LinkML Source

name: object label closure
    tag: denormalized
    value: true
description: Used to hold the object label closure of an association. This is a denormalized
  field used primarily in the SQL serialization of a knowledge graph via KGX.
- value: breast cancer
  description: The object label closure of the association between the gene 'BRCA1'
    and the disease 'breast cancer' is the set of all labels that are ancestors of
    'breast cancer' in the biolink model.
- value: cancer
is_a: association slot
domain: association
multivalued: true
alias: object_label_closure
- association
range: string