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Slot: object_category_closure (multivalued)

Description: Used to hold the object category closure of an association. This is a denormalized field used primarily in the SQL serialization of a knowledge graph via KGX.

Domain: Association
Range: OntologyClass


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Association A typed association between two entities, supported by evidence no


property value
denormalized True

Example values

Slot Name Value
object_category_closure ['biolink:Disease", "biolink:NamedThing']

LinkML Source

name: object category closure
    tag: denormalized
    value: true
description: Used to hold the object category closure of an association. This is a
  denormalized field used primarily in the SQL serialization of a knowledge graph
  via KGX.
- value: '[''biolink:Disease", "biolink:NamedThing'']'
  description: 'The object category closure of the association between the gene ''BRCA1''
    and the disease ''breast cancer'' is the set of all biolink classes that are ancestors
    of ''biolink:Disease'' in the biolink model.  Note: typically the "subclass of"
    and "part of" relations are used to construct the closure, but other relations
    may be used as well.'
is_a: association slot
domain: association
multivalued: true
alias: object_category_closure
- association
range: ontology class