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Slot: in_preclinical_trials_for (multivalued)

Description: Holds between an substance, procedure, or activity and a medical condition, and reports that a pre-clinical study has been performed specifically to test the potential of the substance, procedure, or activity to treat the medical condition (i.e. to ameliorate, stabilize, or cure the condition, or to delay, prevent, or reduce the risk of it manifesting in the first place).

Domain: ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment
Range: DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature



property value
canonical_predicate True

LinkML Source

name: in preclinical trials for
    tag: canonical_predicate
    value: true
description: Holds between an  substance, procedure, or activity and a medical condition,
  and reports that a pre-clinical study has been performed specifically to test the
  potential of the  substance, procedure, or activity to treat the medical condition  (i.e.
  to ameliorate, stabilize, or cure the condition, or to delay, prevent, or reduce
  the risk of it manifesting in the first place).
- translator_minimal
is_a: studied to treat
- treats or applied or studied to treat
domain: chemical or drug or treatment
multivalued: true
inherited: true
alias: in_preclinical_trials_for
range: disease or phenotypic feature