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Slot: highest_FDA_approval_status

Description: Should be the highest level of FDA approval this chemical entity or device has, regardless of which disease, condition or phenotype it is currently being reviewed to treat. For specific levels of FDA approval for a specific condition, disease, phenotype, etc., see the association slot, 'clinical approval status.'

Range: String

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
ChemicalMixture A chemical mixture is a chemical entity composed of two or more molecular entities. no

LinkML Source

name: highest FDA approval status
description: Should be the highest level of FDA approval this chemical entity or device
  has, regardless of which disease, condition or phenotype it is currently being reviewed
  to treat.  For specific levels of FDA approval for a specific condition, disease,
  phenotype, etc., see the association slot, 'clinical approval status.'
alias: highest_FDA_approval_status
- chemical mixture
range: string