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Slot: xref (multivalued)

Description: A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing or edge between two NamedThings. This property should point to a database record or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE cross references.
Aliases: dbxref, Dbxref, DbXref, record_url, source_record_urls

Domain: NamedThing
Range: Uriorcurie

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
Publication Any ‘published’ piece of information. Publications are considered broadly to include any document or document part made available in print or on the web - which may include scientific journal issues, individual articles, and books - as well as things like pre-prints, white papers, patents, drug labels, web pages, protocol documents, and even a part of a publication if of significant knowledge scope (e.g. a figure, figure legend, or section highlighted by NLP). no
GeneProductMixin The functional molecular product of a single gene locus. Gene products are either proteins or functional RNA molecules. no
Gene A region (or regions) that includes all of the sequence elements necessary to encode a functional transcript. A gene locus may include regulatory regions, transcribed regions and/or other functional sequence regions. no
RetrievalSource Provides information about how a particular InformationResource served as a source from which knowledge expressed in an Edge, or data used to generate this knowledge, was retrieved. no
NamedThing a databased entity or concept/class no

LinkML Source

name: xref
description: A database cross reference or alternative identifier for a NamedThing
  or edge between two NamedThings.  This property should point to a database record
  or webpage that supports the existence of the edge, or gives more detail about the
  edge. This property can be used on a node or edge to provide multiple URIs or CURIE
  cross references.
- translator_minimal
- dbxref
- Dbxref
- DbXref
- record_url
- source_record_urls
- gff3:Dbxref
- gpi:DB_Xrefs
domain: named thing
alias: xref
- named thing
- publication
- retrieval source
- gene
- gene product mixin
range: uriorcurie
multivalued: true