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Slot: treats (multivalued)

Description: Holds between an intervention (substance, procedure, or activity) and a medical condition (disease or phenotypic feature), and states that the intervention is, in some population(s), able to ameliorate, stabilize, or cure the condition or delay, prevent, or reduce the risk of it manifesting in the first place. ‘Treats’ edges should be asserted (knowledge_level: assertion) only in cases where there is strong supporting evidence - i.e. in some population(s) the intervention is approved for the condition, passed phase 3 or in phase 4 trials for the condition, or is an otherwise established treatment in the medical community (e.g. a widely-accepted or formally recommended off-label use). In the absence of such evidence, weaker predicates should be used in asserted edges (e.g. ‘in clinical trials for’ or ‘beneficial in models of’). ‘Treats’ edges based on weaker or indirect forms of evidence can however be created as predictions (knowledge_level: prediction) and should point to the more foundational asserted edges that support them.
Aliases: is substance that treats, indicated for, ameliorates or prevents condition

Domain: ChemicalOrDrugOrTreatment
Range: DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature


Mixin Usage

mixed into description range domain
ameliorates_condition Holds between an entity and an existing medical condition (disease or phenotypic feature) where the entity is able to ameliorate symptoms, stabilize progression, or cure the condition. disease or phenotypic feature
preventative_for_condition Holds between a substance, procedure, or activity and a medical condition (disease or phenotypic feature), and states that the substance, procedure, or activity is able to prevent it manifesting in the first place. disease or phenotypic feature


property value
canonical_predicate True

LinkML Source

name: treats
    tag: canonical_predicate
    value: true
description: 'Holds between an intervention (substance, procedure, or activity) and
  a medical condition (disease or phenotypic feature), and states that the intervention
  is, in some population(s),  able to ameliorate, stabilize, or cure the condition
  or delay, prevent, or reduce the risk  of it manifesting in the first place. ‘Treats’
  edges should be asserted (knowledge_level: assertion) only in cases where there
  is strong supporting evidence - i.e. in some population(s) the intervention is approved
  for the condition, passed phase 3 or in phase 4 trials for the condition, or is
  an otherwise  established treatment in the medical community (e.g. a widely-accepted
  or formally recommended  off-label use). In the absence of such evidence, weaker
  predicates should be used in  asserted edges (e.g. ‘in clinical trials for’ or ‘beneficial
  in models of’). ‘Treats’ edges based on weaker or indirect forms of evidence can
  however be created as predictions  (knowledge_level: prediction) and should point
  to the more foundational asserted edges that  support them.'
- translator_minimal
- is substance that treats
- indicated for
- ameliorates or prevents condition
- DRUGBANK:treats
- MONDO:disease_responds_to
- RO:0002606
- NCIT:regimen_has_accepted_use_for_disease
- REPODB:clinically_tested_approved_unknown_phase
- REPODB:clinically_tested_suspended_phase_0
- REPODB:clinically_tested_suspended_phase_1
- REPODB:clinically_tested_suspended_phase_1_or_phase_2
- REPODB:clinically_tested_suspended_phase_2
- REPODB:clinically_tested_suspended_phase_2_or_phase_3
- REPODB:clinically_tested_suspended_phase_3
- REPODB:clinically_tested_terminated_phase_0
- REPODB:clinically_tested_terminated_phase_1
- REPODB:clinically_tested_terminated_phase_1_or_phase_2
- REPODB:clinically_tested_terminated_phase_2
- REPODB:clinically_tested_terminated_phase_2_or_phase_3
- REPODB:clinically_tested_terminated_phase_3
- REPODB:clinically_tested_withdrawn_phase_0
- REPODB:clinically_tested_withdrawn_phase_1
- REPODB:clinically_tested_withdrawn_phase_1_or_phase_2
- REPODB:clinically_tested_withdrawn_phase_2
- REPODB:clinically_tested_withdrawn_phase_2_or_phase_3
- REPODB:clinically_tested_withdrawn_phase_3
- SNOMED:plays_role
- DRUGBANK:treats
- MONDO:disease_responds_to
is_a: treats or applied or studied to treat
mixin: true
domain: chemical or drug or treatment
inherited: true
alias: treats
range: disease or phenotypic feature
multivalued: true