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Slot: species_context_qualifier

Description: A statement qualifier representing a taxonomic category of species in which a relationship expressed in an association took place.

Notes: Ontology CURIEs are expected as values here, the examples below are intended to help clarify the content of the CURIEs.

Domain: Association
Range: OrganismTaxon


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
MacromolecularMachineToEntityAssociationMixin an association which has a macromolecular machine mixin as a subject no
ChemicalAffectsGeneAssociation Describes an effect that a chemical has on a gene or gene product (e.g. an impact of on its abundance, activity,localization, processing, expression, etc.) yes
GeneRegulatesGeneAssociation Describes a regulatory relationship between two genes or gene products. no
GeneAffectsChemicalAssociation Describes an effect that a gene or gene product has on a chemical entity (e.g. an impact of on its abundance, activity, localization, processing, transport, etc.) yes
PredicateMapping A deprecated predicate mapping object contains the deprecated predicate and an example of the rewiring that should be done to use a qualified statement in its place. no

Example values

Slot Name Value
species_context_qualifier zebrafish
species_context_qualifier human

LinkML Source

name: species context qualifier
description: A statement qualifier representing a taxonomic category of species in
  which a relationship expressed in an association took place.
- Ontology CURIEs are expected as values here, the examples below are intended to
  help clarify the content of the CURIEs.
- value: zebrafish
- value: human
- translator_minimal
is_a: statement qualifier
domain: association
alias: species_context_qualifier
- predicate mapping
- gene regulates gene association
- chemical affects gene association
- gene affects chemical association
- macromolecular machine to entity association mixin
range: organism taxon