Slot: qualified_predicate
Description: Predicate to be used in an association when subject and object qualifiers are present and the full reading of the statement requires a qualification to the predicate in use in order to refine or increase the specificity of the full statement reading. This qualifier holds a relationship to be used instead of that expressed by the primary predicate, in a ‘full statement’ reading of the association, where qualifier-based semantics are included. This is necessary only in cases where the primary predicate does not work in a full statement reading.
Notes: to express the statement that “Chemical X causes increased expression of Gene Y”, the core triple is read using the fields subject:ChemX, predicate:affects, object:GeneY . . . and the full statement is read using the fields subject:ChemX, qualified_predicate:causes, object:GeneY, object_aspect: expression, object_direction:increased. The predicate ‘affects’ is needed for the core triple reading, but does not make sense in the full statement reading (because “Chemical X affects increased expression of Gene Y'' is not what we mean to say here: it causes increased expression of Gene Y)
Notes: to express the statement that “Chemical X causes increased expression of Gene Y”, the core triple is read using the fields subject:ChemX, predicate:affects, object:GeneY . . . and the full statement is read using the fields subject:ChemX, qualified_predicate:causes, object:GeneY, object_aspect: expression, object_direction:increased. The predicate ‘affects’ is needed for the core triple reading, but does not make sense in the full statement reading (because “Chemical X affects increased expression of Gene Y'' is not what we mean to say here: it causes increased expression of Gene Y)
Domain: Association
Range: String
- association_slot
- qualifier
- qualified_predicate
- qualifier
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
FeatureOrDiseaseQualifiersToEntityMixin | Qualifiers for disease or phenotype to entity associations. | no |
ChemicalAffectsGeneAssociation | Describes an effect that a chemical has on a gene or gene product (e.g. an impact of on its abundance, activity,localization, processing, expression, etc.) | yes |
GeneRegulatesGeneAssociation | Describes a regulatory relationship between two genes or gene products. | yes |
GeneAffectsChemicalAssociation | Describes an effect that a gene or gene product has on a chemical entity (e.g. an impact of on its abundance, activity, localization, processing, transport, etc.) | yes |
PredicateMapping | A deprecated predicate mapping object contains the deprecated predicate and an example of the rewiring that should be done to use a qualified statement in its place. | no |
EntityToFeatureOrDiseaseQualifiersMixin | Qualifiers for entity to disease or phenotype associations. | no |
LinkML Source
name: qualified predicate
description: Predicate to be used in an association when subject and object qualifiers
are present and the full reading of the statement requires a qualification to the
predicate in use in order to refine or increase the specificity of the full statement
reading. This qualifier holds a relationship to be used instead of that expressed
by the primary predicate, in a ‘full statement’ reading of the association, where
qualifier-based semantics are included. This is necessary only in cases where the
primary predicate does not work in a full statement reading.
- 'to express the statement that “Chemical X causes increased expression of Gene Y”,
the core triple is read using the fields subject:ChemX, predicate:affects, object:GeneY
. . . and the full statement is read using the fields subject:ChemX, qualified_predicate:causes,
object:GeneY, object_aspect: expression, object_direction:increased. The predicate
‘affects’ is needed for the core triple reading, but does not make sense in the
full statement reading (because “Chemical X affects increased expression of Gene
Y'''' is not what we mean to say here: it causes increased expression of Gene Y)'
is_a: qualifier
domain: association
alias: qualified_predicate
- predicate mapping
- gene regulates gene association
- chemical affects gene association
- gene affects chemical association
- entity to feature or disease qualifiers mixin
- feature or disease qualifiers to entity mixin
range: string