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Slot: object_specialization_qualifier

Description: A qualifier that composes with a core subject/object concept to define a more specific version of the subject concept, specifically using an ontology term that is not a subclass or descendant of the core concept and in the vast majority of cases, is of a different ontological namespace than the category or namespace of the subject identifier.

Domain: Association
Range: Uriorcurie


Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
EntityToDiseaseOrPhenotypicFeatureAssociationMixin None no
GeneToExpressionSiteAssociation An association between a gene and a gene expression site, possibly qualified by stage/timing info. no

LinkML Source

name: object specialization qualifier
description: A qualifier that composes with a core subject/object concept to define
  a more specific version of the  subject concept, specifically using an ontology
  term that is not a subclass or descendant of the core concept  and in the vast majority
  of cases, is of a different ontological namespace than the category or namespace
  of the subject identifier.
- translator_minimal
is_a: specialization qualifier
domain: association
alias: object_specialization_qualifier
- entity to disease or phenotypic feature association mixin
- gene to expression site association
range: uriorcurie