Slot: node_property
Description: A grouping for any property that holds between a node and a value
Domain: NamedThing
Range: String
- node_property
- symbol
- synonym
- has_topic
- url
- resource_id
- resource_role
- full_name
- upstream_resource_ids
- systematic_synonym
- affiliation
- address
- latitude
- longitude
- creation_date
- update_date
- aggregate_statistic
- has_taxonomic_rank
- has_dataset
- source_web_page
- source_logo
- retrieved_on
- version_of
- version
- license
- rights
- format
- created_with
- download_url
- dataset_download_url
- distribution_download_url
- ingest_date
- has_distribution
- published_in
- iso_abbreviation
- authors
- volume
- chapter
- issue
- pages
- summary
- keywords
- mesh_terms
- has_biological_sequence
- has_gene_or_gene_product
- has_zygosity
- has_chemical_formula
- is_metabolite
- has_constituent
- has_drug
- has_device
- has_procedure
- has_receptor
- has_stressor
- has_route
- is_supplement
- trade_name
- available_from
- is_toxic
- max_tolerated_dose
- animal_model_available_from
- in_taxon_label
- provided_by
LinkML Source
name: node property
description: A grouping for any property that holds between a node and a value
domain: named thing
alias: node_property
range: string