Slot: max_tolerated_dose
Description: The highest dose of a drug or treatment that does not cause unacceptable side effects. The maximum tolerated dose is determined in clinical trials by testing increasing doses on different groups of people until the highest dose with acceptable side effects is found. Also called MTD.
Domain: NamedThing
Range: String
- node_property
- max_tolerated_dose
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
ChemicalEntity | A chemical entity is a physical entity that pertains to chemistry or biochemistry. | no |
LinkML Source
name: max tolerated dose
description: The highest dose of a drug or treatment that does not cause unacceptable
side effects. The maximum tolerated dose is determined in clinical trials by testing
increasing doses on different groups of people until the highest dose with acceptable
side effects is found. Also called MTD.
is_a: node property
domain: named thing
alias: max_tolerated_dose
- chemical entity
range: string
multivalued: false