Slot: knowledge_source
Description: An Information Resource from which the knowledge expressed in an Association was retrieved, directly or indirectly. This can be any resource through which the knowledge passed on its way to its currently serialized form. In practice, implementers should use one of the more specific subtypes of this generic property.
Domain: Association
Range: String
- association_slot
- knowledge_source
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Association | A typed association between two entities, supported by evidence | no |
LinkML Source
name: knowledge source
description: An Information Resource from which the knowledge expressed in an Association
was retrieved, directly or indirectly. This can be any resource through which the
knowledge passed on its way to its currently serialized form. In practice, implementers
should use one of the more specific subtypes of this generic property.
- pav:providedBy
is_a: association slot
domain: association
alias: knowledge_source
- association
range: string