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Slot: has_biomarker (multivalued)

Description: holds between a disease or phenotypic feature and a measurable chemical entity that is used as an indicator of the presence or state of the disease or feature. # metabolite
Inverse: biomarker for

Domain: DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeature
Range: ChemicalEntityOrGeneOrGeneProduct


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name: has biomarker
description: "holds between a disease or phenotypic feature and a measurable chemical\
  \ entity that is used as an indicator of the presence or state of the disease or\
  \ feature.\n # metabolite"
- translator_minimal
- NCIT:disease_has_molecular_abnormality
- NCIT:disease_is_marked_by_gene
is_a: correlated with
domain: disease or phenotypic feature
inherited: true
alias: has_biomarker
inverse: biomarker for
range: chemical entity or gene or gene product
multivalued: true