Slot: affiliation (multivalued)
Description: a professional relationship between one provider (often a person) within another provider (often an organization). Target provider identity should be specified by a CURIE. Providers may have multiple affiliations.
Domain: Agent
Range: Uriorcurie
- node_property
- affiliation
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Agent | person, group, organization or project that provides a piece of information (i.e. a knowledge association) | no |
LinkML Source
name: affiliation
description: a professional relationship between one provider (often a person) within
another provider (often an organization). Target provider identity should be specified
by a CURIE. Providers may have multiple affiliations.
is_a: node property
domain: agent
alias: affiliation
- agent
range: uriorcurie
multivalued: true