Slot: address
Description: the particulars of the place where someone or an organization is situated. For now, this slot is a simple text "blob" containing all relevant details of the given location for fitness of purpose. For the moment, this "address" can include other contact details such as email and phone number(?).
Domain: NamedThing
Range: String
- node_property
- address
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
Agent | person, group, organization or project that provides a piece of information (i.e. a knowledge association) | no |
LinkML Source
name: address
description: the particulars of the place where someone or an organization is situated. For
now, this slot is a simple text "blob" containing all relevant details of the given
location for fitness of purpose. For the moment, this "address" can include other
contact details such as email and phone number(?).
is_a: node property
domain: named thing
alias: address
- agent
range: string