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Class: PathologicalEntityMixin

Description: A pathological (abnormal) structure or process.
classDiagram class PathologicalEntityMixin PathologicalEntityMixin <|-- PathologicalProcess PathologicalEntityMixin <|-- PathologicalAnatomicalStructure PathologicalEntityMixin <|-- DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeatureExposure


Name Cardinality and Range Inheritance Examples

Mixin Usage

mixed into description
PathologicalProcess A biologic function or a process having an abnormal or deleterious effect at the subcellular, cellular, multicellular, or organismal level.
PathologicalAnatomicalStructure An anatomical structure with the potential of have an abnormal or deleterious effect at the subcellular, cellular, multicellular, or organismal level.
DiseaseOrPhenotypicFeatureExposure A disease or phenotypic feature state, when viewed as an exposure, represents an precondition, leading to or influencing an outcome, e.g. HIV predisposing an individual to infections; a relative deficiency of skin pigmentation predisposing an individual to skin cancer.

LinkML Source

name: pathological entity mixin
description: A pathological (abnormal) structure or process.
- HP:0000118
mixin: true