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Class: Occurrent

Description: A processual entity.
classDiagram class Occurrent PhysicalEssenceOrOccurrent <|-- Occurrent Occurrent <|-- ActivityAndBehavior Occurrent <|-- Phenomenon Occurrent <|-- EnvironmentalProcess Occurrent <|-- BiologicalProcessOrActivity Occurrent <|-- MolecularActivity Occurrent <|-- BiologicalProcess



Name Cardinality and Range Inheritance Examples

Mixin Usage

mixed into description
Phenomenon a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question
EnvironmentalProcess None
BiologicalProcessOrActivity Either an individual molecular activity, or a collection of causally connected molecular activities in a biological system.
MolecularActivity An execution of a molecular function carried out by a gene product or macromolecular complex.
BiologicalProcess One or more causally connected executions of molecular functions

LinkML Source

name: occurrent
description: A processual entity.
- BFO:0000003
is_a: physical essence or occurrent
mixin: true