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Class: ChemicalEntityOrProteinOrPolypeptide

Description: A union of chemical entities and children, and protein and polypeptide. This mixin is helpful to use when searching across chemical entities that must include genes and their children as chemical entities.
classDiagram class ChemicalEntityOrProteinOrPolypeptide ChemicalEntityOrProteinOrPolypeptide <|-- ChemicalEntity ChemicalEntityOrProteinOrPolypeptide <|-- Polypeptide


Name Cardinality and Range Inheritance Examples

Mixin Usage

mixed into description
ChemicalEntity A chemical entity is a physical entity that pertains to chemistry or biochemistry.
Polypeptide A polypeptide is a molecular entity characterized by availability in protein databases of amino-acid-based sequence representations of its precise primary structure; for convenience of representation, partial sequences of various kinds are included, even if they do not represent a physical molecule.

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name: chemical entity or protein or polypeptide
description: A union of chemical entities and children, and protein and polypeptide.
  This mixin is helpful to use when searching across chemical entities that must include
  genes and their children as chemical entities.
mixin: true